The Values Exercise



Exercise: Select the 10 values you connect with most. Of those 10, choose 5. Then your top 3. Write them down somewhere. Then go to the next step.

- Personal Development
- Recognition
- Accountability
- Inspiration
- Music
- Helping Others
- Peace
- Diversity
- Expertise
- Vulnerability
- Global Awareness
- Hunger
- My Country
- Sleep
- Productivity
- Intuition
- Culture
- Healthy Boundaries
- Second Chances
- Listening
- Family
- Excitement
- Travel
- Adventure
- Laughter
- Entrepreneurship
- Wonder
- Health And Fitness
- Love
- Close Relationships
- Humility
- Art
- Responsibility
- Grace

- Autonomy
- Loyalty
- Courage
- Self-love
- Ritual
- Purpose
- Privacy
- Freedom
- Quiet
- Compassion
- Cooperation
- Growth
- Authenticity
- Practicality
- Nature
- Objectivity
- Leadership
- Wisdom
- Respect
- Strength
- Flexibility
- Financial Stability
- Empathy
- Belonging
- Equity
- Resourcefulness
- Decisiveness
- Competence
- Collaboration
- Spirituality
- Social Change
- Honesty
- Mindfulness

- Safety
- Wealth
- Creativity
- Knowledge
- Inclusion
- Curiosity
- Gratitude
- Faith
- Communication
- Interdependence
- Efficiency
- Stability
- Humor
- Truth
- Order
- Excellence
- Religion
- Beauty
- Meaningful Work
- Trust
- Self-expression
- Fun
- Rationality
- Democracy
- Self-control
- Balance
- Adaptability
- Success
- Independence
- Variety
- Community
- Patience
- Challenges